Friday 19 June 2009


So apparently i am allergic to cheap (depending on what your definition of cheap is) hair extensions.... it was my cousins traditional wedding a few weeks back and i decided to go for a "different" look.... big mistake it gave me a rash on my neck, ears..where ever was in constant contact with the synthetic hair... (mind you the pack reads 100% human hair and the sales girl swore that it was) so vecuten and hydrocortisone cream became constant companions until i could free myself from my "human" hair... this is just another thing to add to the list of reasons why i rarely (read almost never) have extensions...

why can't they banned okada men in lagos? after a trip to abuja my dislike for them has increased immensely... if i drove i would exhibit serious road rage!! infact i practise road rage from the back seat...

why do girls abandon their friends when there's a new guy on the horizon? and is it the same with guys?

i am learning how to tune people out while looking attentive and nodding... suddenly realized people talk too much. a lot of which is rubbish! and i am designated listener abi? hisss yesterday i was watching two talkative people trying to have a conversation...fecking hilarious... i was almost expecting it to end up in blows... each one fighting to get a word in.

Since when did i become resident agony aunt? i have people in nigeria and london offloading relationship baggage on me... its not that i don't like listening to your problems and giving advice or whatever.... it just becomes annoying when you call me 5 times a day, speak for hours (minimum 15 mins) and all you do is complain about ONE person... my ability to tune you out comes in handy... my advice is the same as yesterday, the same as a few hours ago... so its absolutely un-necessary to call me 24/7. during one of my many agony aunt sessions... my friend said his girl friend has never cried concerning their relationship (no matter what he does) so she must not love him!! i swear i almost died from laughter... why does the girl have to be the one doing the crying? i told him if he feels their relationship is lacking some tears seeing as he has the same 2 eye balls his girl has he can do the crying.... he said i am a goat.. i stand by my opinion :)

i passed church of satan a few days ago.... didn't know they had people who openly worshipped satan in nigeria...

Went to the palms last week...while going out with my trolley..strange girl looks my way and says to her friend so people actually come here to shop... i would hope so since its a SHOPPING MALL!!!

my moms boss wants me to marry his

butterfly kixxes,
Technicolour dreams

i love June (its my birthday month) June babies are HOT!

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